Wednesday, October 12, 2011

red and yellow

Colors, colors everywhere.

This day we worked on the colors 

Little Miss started by sorting different items from the playroom into the red and yellow containers. I threw in some "decoys" to test her color knowledge.

Hooray for sorting!

I taught Little Miss the song "Mary Wore a Red Dress." I had a grab bag of different red colored clothing items. She put each item on, posed for a picture, and we sang a new verse for each one.


Little Miss used a lemon and some corn on the cob to make yellow prints.

She had fun rolling the corn around, but didn't like the mess it made on her hands.

And we ended the fun with some more sidewalk paint.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sidewalk Paint

Sidewalk Paint. 
It's fun.
Super easy to make.

{Best. Thing. Ever.}

Here's how to make it:
Equal parts water to cornstarch (mixed until smooth).
Add food coloring.
That's it!
Easy, huh? 

I had lots of fun painting too. Here's a picture of the difference between the dry and wet paint. I love to watch it change into it's "chalky state".

Little Miss had fun dumping the paint.