The start of a new school year is always exciting.
New clothes. New books. New teachers. New classrooms. New friends to meet.
Since leaving teaching behind to be a full-time mom, the new school year is bittersweet. My teacher friends are frantically setting up their classrooms. Reviewing class lists. Gathering supplies. Mapping their curriculum. And while I don't envy the stress that a new class brings to teachers, I miss it.
Now that my daughter is 3 years old, I get to "teach" again! So when her daddy goes back to school to start a new school year (he's in grad school) she will start her first school year. At home. With mom.
I'm excited to use my expertise once again. We'll be working on colors, shapes, letters, numbers, drawing, writing....the basics.
Join me for a school year full of fun ideas to use with your children at home.